Widex for Senso Vita SV-38, Senso P37/P38, Bravissimo BV-38 and Bravo B-32 audio d/i shoe Widex 6
Widex Senso Vita SV-38, Senso P37/P38, Bravissimo BV-38 and Bravo B-32 audio i/p shoe Widex 6 - this shoe is a direct replacement for the Widex 3II & Widex 4.
ID Marks: Widex 6 (previously Widex 3II and Widex 3 and before that Logo Senso FM)
Contacts: 3 on one side, 1 on the other.
Color: clear
Comment: This shoe is suitable for use with traditional and MLx/MLxS radio aids. Has small catch on one side to lock shoe in place.
(size 675 battery hearing aid). With a slide on/off direct input lead connection to reveal the Widex SCOLA fm receiver connections.